Mike Leone on 3 Aug 2006 19:41:51 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Kubuntu and a Belkin 54g wireless card with an Atheros chipset

K.S. Bhaskar (bhaskar@bhaskars.com) had this to say on 08/03/06 at 15:31: 
> Atheros is supported via the Madwifi drivers (http://madwifi.org/).

Yeah, I found that out. I'm trying to avoid having to download a separate
driver and compile, and then (possibly) re-compile a kernel, etc. Especially
when new versions of the driver come out. I'm hoping to find an apt source
that will make my life easier, so I don't have to fight too much to get this
to work.

> My son has a laptop running 6.06 in which an Atheros PCMCIA Wifi card
> runs fine.  Unfortunately, I don't have access to it right now.
> 1. What does "iwconfig" say?

Tell you when I get home. :-)

> 2. Have you looked/asked in the Ubuntu forums (http://www.ubuntuforums.org)?

That's where I searched first, to find all the things that have not yet
worked ... figured I'd ask here first, before joining yet another high
volume mailing list that I'll end up not having the time to read, until I
have a problem. :-)
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