Jeff Abrahamson on 7 Dec 2006 19:33:14 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Job posting: Unix Position (in AZ)

On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 10:25:07PM -0500, Chris Sandy wrote:
>   [69 lines, 422 words, 3209 characters]  Top characters: eitnsora
> Is this company willing to relocate people?  If not why are you
> posting this here?

Just a friendly reminder, and not meaning to pick on Chris at all,
remember that we've generally found consensus on the following:

1. It's good to get PLUG / linux people jobs who want them.  Even if
   it's not a linux job, the person still might need the job, and it
   might put them in a position to convince non-linux people to go
   linux anyway.  We have more effect on the world when we have

2. We all have different job goals.  For some, relocation benefits
   might not be so important.  (Say you don't have a lot of stuff or
   are planning to move anyway.)

Given that we've generally agreed on these points in the past, it's
good to be welcoming of job posts so that we don't scare job posters
away.  Questioning why people with jobs come here might not encourage
their return.

(Anyway, in looking for a job, benefits are a late-stage question.)

So, hey, everybody: remember to smile and see all the yummy
opportunities around us.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>          +1 215/837-2287
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