bergman on 20 Jun 2007 03:12:32 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] OT, what happened to MFN?

In the message dated: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 22:09:27 EDT,
The pithy ruminations from John Von Essen on 
<[PLUG] OT, what happened to MFN?> were:

=> Maybe someone on this list worked for them?

Yep. First for SiteSmith, then we were bought by MFN--back when the stock was 
supposed to be worth over $1B for the purchase... Then came the giant sucking 
sound that was the Internet in 2001, and some "financial irregularities"...

I've got a stock certificate around somewhere...maybe it'll be useful as 
wallpaper or to start a fire or something.

=> Is MFN (Metromedia Fiber Network) still around in Philly?

Dunno. They had scads (the technical term, of course) of dark fiber all over 
the place. There's probably still some lying around under your local sidewalk.

=> I think the company went bankrupt, but somebody must have taken  
=> ownership of all their fiber?!

Actually, they declared bancruptcy and reorganized, changed their name to 
AboveNet (which they acquired earlier) and kept some of their assets.



=> thanks
=> john

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