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Re: [PLUG] aKademy 2008, The Philadelphia Konvention?
- From: "Brian Stempin" <brian.stempin@gmail.com>
- To: "Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List" <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
- Subject: Re: [PLUG] aKademy 2008, The Philadelphia Konvention?
- Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 18:47:14 -0400
- Dkim-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; b=L/FnCp2F2bF76LzCdgDjLuJzg6A8W8Oim9XIZTHfv+kRLqgLOPdxSS5k/pZ/A8Bjax1UC6vyXSa4FgJzXzfuqgHv7rwu/2VSgpzrR0rUPf9IFnvbGu1UVkIGMCoEyeb3wASXz0V9YjpiHSqGmepw4cQtudyEmRdgsOOmg9mpDLU=
- Reply-to: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
- Sender: plug-bounces@lists.phillylinux.org
Matt, I don't have any of the skills you listed above (unlike Napoleon Dynamite, who possesses them all), I'm interested.
On 7/12/07, Zenko Klapko Jr.
<dah_comrade@hotmail.com> wrote:
I know there are plenty of students at Drexel University who would like to see this happen. There's the Math & Computer Science Society, Drexel's Computer Science Dept, TechServ, and several other depts & student organizations who can pass the news along in flyers, announcements & at meetings. Send a message back how we can further help out.
---------------------------------------- > From: mukidohime@case.edu > To: plug@lists.phillylinux.org
> Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 16:01:34 -0400 > Subject: [PLUG] aKademy 2008, The Philadelphia Konvention? > > So I've recently arrived back from my trip to aKademy 2007 (the international > KDE contributors' conference) in Glasgow. While there, I got into a
> conversation with one of the event organisers who expressed quite an interest > in holding the next conference in our fair city. I would love to see this > happen and would be willing to lead the organisation of this event, but I
> definitely cannot do it alone. If you (or someone you know) are even curious > about getting involved, attending, or just finding out what happens, please > do contact me. I'll be bringing this up at the next PLUG Central & MontCo
> meetings, and if I hear any interest, also at the PLUG West meeting, so try > to show up if you're interested. > > While I'd love to see all sorts of people get involved, there are some who
> would be particularly helpful to have on board: > > * Students, faculty, or others involved with the local universities > * Those with any contacts in City Hall > * Those with any contacts in local tourism or travel organisations
> * Anyone who has experience organising events (of any size) > > Even if you aren't in one of those categories, please don't hesitate to ask, > the more the merrier. Also, if you know someone who might be interested, I
> urge you to pass on the invitation. > > Hope to hear from you, > ~Matt
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