Dan Widyono on 21 Sep 2007 19:18:35 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] personal finance application

Unfortunately I'll have to let someone else field those questions as I have
no good answers, although I may have sufficiently enticed my girlfriend into
trying it out on her Windows laptop :) We'll see when she actually has time
to do so, though.

If you're willing to try it out in Windows and report bugs, they could really
use more Windows testers.

> How about check printing?  We still actually do a fair amount of that.

I know it does check printing, but I've only heard of it in the business
context.  No idea...

> We also use TurboTax, so how well can they interface?  May I assume if I 
> set up GC correctly, it can export QIF that TT can then import?

Haven't tried it.  I've always plugged things in manually :( I also don't
like using TT, but until some accountant(s) decide to spend their time
programming in financial laws into FLOSS libraries without IP encumbrances,
we won't be seeing this happen.

Dan W.
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