jeff on 2 Oct 2007 15:45:46 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Verizon FIOS & open wireles

Dan Widyono wrote:
> Like using the Club to secure your vehicle... it only makes the thief try
> other non-Clubbed cars before yours.

Speaking of which, I had occasion to be downtown for a promotional
activity.  When I had had enough of the evening's alleged entertainment,
I went out to my car.  This must have been early 90's and I was driving
a 1978 Olds station wagon with Real Imitation Woodgrain-like Paneling<tm>.

Said wagon (it was the thing people drove before SUVs, when music came
on black plastic discs referred to as records) was the only one in its
row but I noticed with alarm that the lights were on.

I also noticed it was running, courtesy of the smashed-out driver's
window and cracked column.  Yet the thief apparently couldn't get it in
gear, so there it sat, all warmed up for me (or whoever else wanted to
take a crack at it).

A helpful member of the Philly police dropped by to ask if I wanted to
file a report on my broken into 15 year-old station wagon.  I thanked
him just the same and went back to MontCo, where I belonged.

It wasn't worth locating a steering column, so I had the only 15 year
old Olds wagon with a Club.  People would literally drive by and laugh
at me.  Tow truck drivers would ask if I wanted it repaired.

But it never got broken into again.
(I never went back to Philly again either.)
I'm told they stole cars with V8's for racing.

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