Jeff McAdams on 4 Oct 2007 11:29:52 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Survey: who drives a stick shift?

JP Vossen wrote:
> I drive a stick.  I hate automatics.  I convinced my wife to drive a
> stick, and she did for 10 years.  Until...  No one makes a mini-van with
> a stick...

I learned to drive a manual by driving a 1991 Ford Escort off the lot
brand new (my parents bought it for me when I was still in high
school...thanks mom and dad!).  Drove that until a bit over 3 years ago
when my parents went to Europe for a year and dad gave me his 1993 Ford
Ranger (thanks mom and dad again!).  Drove that until this past Saturday
when I just bought an '08 Jeep Wrangler 6-speed (its been warm enough
down here in Louisville, KY that I've been driving it with the top its a lot of fun to drive!).  First time I've ever bought a
car for myself at all, which is cool; but also the first time I've ever
had a car payment, which is not so much.

I have no desire or intent to ever drive a manual transmission for my
daily driver.  When you drive an automatic for this long, shifting, even
in stop and go traffic, becomes so subconcious that you don't even think
about it.  And when you want to really make the car do what you want,
you still can.
Jeff McAdams
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                       -- Benjamin Franklin

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