David van Balen on 11 Oct 2007 19:35:49 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] my company is hiring, reply off-list

Sorry for replying on-list, but my emails keep getting bounced when I reply to your personal address (the purple.com one). Is there an alternate I can use?

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:

My (new) company is hiring in NYC (and London, Tokyo, and Hong Kong,
but you might have to have a good reason to get hired directly into
those offices unless you have working papers already).  We're a large
investment bank, but my group is mostly stocked with (well-dressed
(but not in suits!)) nerds.  It's a good work environment by many

More offline.  We have lots of linux machines, but most of the company
runs Windows desktops.  That said, the development is uses so much
internal stuff that it doesn't matter much whether you're targeting
linux or win (we target both, typically).  Knowledge of java or C++ is
useful in my group, but it sounds like most technical skills have
corresponding openings.

Ping me offline for more info.  You can also send me your resume if
you want.  (I'm not sure if there's a preferred format, probably pdf
or Word).


Jeff Abrahamson  <http://jeff.purple.cam/>
phone: UK: +44 (0)784 699 1772     (From U.S.: 011-44-784-699-1772)
   France: +33 (0)6     (From U.S.: 011-33-6-2183-2620)
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