Art Alexion on 16 Oct 2007 20:21:21 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Bloat Lovers Celebrate

On Tuesday 16 October 2007 12:49:43 Jason wrote:
> On 10/13/07, Brian Vagnoni <> wrote:
> >  Opensuse 10.3 is out. If this is old news to you please excuse the post.
> I tried it out, and there were some mighty annoying things.  At least
> they're annoying to me.

I've been monitoring the evolution list since I want to try to use it to 
replace as many outlook desktops as I can where I work.  I am using evo 2.12 
which I haven't been able to break on kubunu gutsy.  It's not features, but 
the performance that has vastly improved.  

Anyway, despite my really positive experiences with it under kubuntu (with 
only enough gnome installed to allow it to run), all I am hearing on the evo 
list for those trying to run it under opensuse 10.3 are complaints, with many 
reinstalling 10.2.

Never tried it myself.  Don't know from personal experience.  But from what I 
am reading, it doesn't look like I am going to try it in the foreseeable 

(Incidentally, I am also testing SLED 10.1, which integrates into an existing 
MS infrastructure very nicely out of the box.  That said, it is the hardest 
distro to customize I have ever tried.)

Art Alexion

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