Jason on 16 Oct 2007 16:49:49 -0000 |
On 10/13/07, Brian Vagnoni <bvagnoni@v-system.net> wrote: > > Opensuse 10.3 is out. If this is old news to you please excuse the post. I tried it out, and there were some mighty annoying things. At least they're annoying to me. 1. Compiz Fusion - I've got Nvidia hardware (8800 gts to be precise), using the current nvidia glx drivers, which of course, support AIGLX. Compiz should be a no-brainer, right? The dialog to turn it on told me it was going to need to install xgl in order to make Compiz Fusion work. And yes, I did verify that I was using "nvidia" not "nv". 2. Missing network-manager addons - little "uninmportant" ones, like the vpn control addons. I know all about SuSE's tools for managing network connections, which is why I prefer Network Manager. :) 3. Green. It makes me even more ill than Brown+Orange. 4. For reasons I won't go into here, I deactivate the onboard Intel HDA audio on my motherboard in favor of a USB sound device. It's detected and all, but for whatever reason, it's never recognized as the "default" card. At least on Ubuntu, I can rectify it with an "asoundconf set-default-card" command easily enough. I couldn't figure out how to do that on SuSE without downloading a 3rd party package that provided asoundconf. In the end, that finally worked. 5. Is that function in the "Control Panel"? Or was it YaST? Or was it somewhere else? Ubuntu isn't by any stretch perfect, but I can live with it. If it's a system-wide setting, System > Administration, otherwise, System > Preferences. It's got asoundconf by default. It's got the network manager addons I want. And under Gutsy, flipping on Compiz Fusion was dead simple -- no xgl required. I'm sure if you're a die-hard SuSE lover, 10.3 rocks your socks off. To me, it was just another distro to take a whack at. Gutsy lives on my desktop now. :) ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- http://www.phillylinux.org Announcements - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-announce General Discussion -- http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug