zuzu on 26 Oct 2007 20:30:19 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Free Software

  • From: zuzu <sean.zuzu@gmail.com>
  • To: "Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List" <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
  • Subject: Re: [PLUG] Free Software
  • Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 16:30:13 -0400
  • Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:content-disposition:references; bh=wIfIlMJnKqL3HcCvNouhUxzXV5LgVvMVD3bOEbvil/A=; b=bxFRsKSO3cSjsCo48kTcMHB4qyXzywxlqxKiGt20L8yHeMrfrVf+Q58LQBuP25gcXHA09vLQX8BU7bRrqAAHYMvf7203PvkQJRONteh+YSnOJQEVXZjZyGxFimOxRbijAye5oXZsnruHZU23x+H8M8IAxlOcUpmg7N+VOlBJ7gc=
  • Reply-to: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
  • Sender: plug-bounces@lists.phillylinux.org

On 10/26/07, Art Alexion <art.alexion@verizon.net> wrote:
> On Thursday 25 October 2007 11:12:17 Sean C. Sheridan wrote:
> > Many people may not understand that you may charge for your software and
> > still have it fall under the category of "free software"
> I'm not sure I understand how that coexists with "The freedom to redistribute
> copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2)."
> While a scenario may exist where entity A sells program-which-is-open-source,
> but allows others to distribute it for free (or for a charge), that doesn't
> seem like a real world scenario.

because selling copies of something which has a virtually zero cost of
duplication is an incredibly foolish business model, unless you're
appealing to government intervention/welfare in the form of copyright.

selling "units" of a mass-produced item is a relic of a manufacturing
economy.  in a knowledge economy, it's selling the _creativity_ of
_people_ that's the scarce/valuable commodity.  instead of buying
"things" we need to focus on buying "people" in the form of creative
labor (vis-a-vis opportunity cost) to invent _new_ features and
functionality.  last I checked, your brain is the only one of its
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