Art Alexion on 5 Nov 2007 02:19:23 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Free Software

On Sunday, 04 November 2007 01:06, Brent Saner wrote:
>  i hated it. 

I don't hate it.  I love it compared to XP which is what most of our computers 
run.  But I prefer the Ubuntu flavors.  Unfortunately, not much work has been 
done to get Ubuntu to integrate into a multi-OS environment.  That seems to 
be where the commercial Suse excels.  In other words, I wouldn't run it at 
home, but it's great at work.

>  it seemed relatively stable but i don't think i'd want to 
> administrate a network of SuSE clients

That's kind of a puzzling statement.  Why would you prefer to administer 
something less stable?  Job security?  Like feeling needed by your 

If I am going to sell any of these windows users on Linux, it better be 
seamlessly compatible and it better be more stable than what they are 
currently using.  Maybe things will change with Samba 4, but right now, 
Ubuntu isn't ready for the multi-platform enterprise.


Art Alexion

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