Art Alexion on 5 Nov 2007 02:48:43 -0000 |
On Saturday, 03 November 2007 18:52, Mike Leone wrote: > You should always go in stages (Dapper->Edgy->Feisty->Gutsy). However, > by that time you've done all that downloading and installing, it's > probably quicker to just backup your data; re-format; install Gutsy; > restore data. And you'll have a cleaner system, with much less chance of > odd cruft lurking in some corner to bite you when your back is turned ... Good advice as this was originally a Warty machine, so there is likely a lot of odd cruft. -- _____________________________________________________________ Art Alexion PGP fingerprint: 52A4 B10C AA73 096F A661 92D2 3B65 8EAC ACC5 BA7A Keyserver: hkp:// The attachment - signature.asc - is my electronic signature; no need for alarm. Info @ _____________________________________________________________ Attachment:
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