Brent Saner on 15 Nov 2007 18:02:53 -0000 |
well, two things come to mind. damn small linux and puppy linux both have very small footprints. if you get a >=1gb USB stick, it should be big enough to fit the KDE libraries in there. you can also fit knoppix to a 1gb usb stick (uncompressed, 700mb compressed. i'd shoot for uncompressed) i mean, i'd probably take the first route. in debian, for instance, uncompressed, i'd guess kdelibs (and all dependancies) are around 50-60 mb... On Nov 15, 2007 12:50 PM, Art Alexion <> wrote: Any other suggestions? -- Brent Saner 215.264.0112(cell) 215.362.7696(residence) Bill Gates is to hacking as Sid Vicious was to the Sex Pistols: no talent, everyone hates him, and he's just in it for the fame and money. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --