Brian Vagnoni on 10 Dec 2007 02:36:42 -0000 |
Also, though a "legal technicality", leaving an AP open without properly labeling it as Free Public WiFi people could accidentally violate the law. Once having connected to a open access point that is not clearly labeled as free and public and having obtained an IP address on the local network that said person is in violation of the law. The general rule for wardriving is to disable your TCP/IP stack so you aren't able to obtain an address accidentally. Some states don't need the victims consent to prosecute depending on the crime and severity. Though I'm certain that it would die in the courts without a conviction it could lead to someone being arrested which is never a fun experience. Even if you are arrested and not convicted in PA you name ends up on a State Police arrest record DB. I'm sure we will see these laws modified as the Supreme Court starts to address the Internet age more rapidly. Brian Vagnoni ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --