Judging by the postfix log, it looks like messages that
are going out are being delivered without any problems as it is properly
relaying them to our Exchange server.
I believe the issue lies with integrating Exchange with
postfix so that when a message is sent to user@hostname that the Exchange server
properly routes it to the linux host.
Am I correct? This is where I am most confused since
I am not sure how our Exchange server would handle such messages.
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 11:47:19 -0500
From: "Douglas Muth"
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Using mailman within a corporation
To: "Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On Jan 10, 2008 11:40 AM, Trimble, Ronald D <Ronald.Trimble@unisys.com>
> I have completed the install and am able to access
the admin pages,
> but I am wondering how these lists will work.
I have tried sending
> test messages to the admin list, but I am not
receiving them even though I am in that list.
> I suspect there is something I am missing as it
relates to Exchange
> and mailman. Has anyone had any experience
getting mailman to work
> under similar circumstances?
I would start by checking the logs on your SuSE server
and make sure messages are actually being received and sent.
-- Doug