Brian Vagnoni on 25 Jan 2008 13:36:23 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] OT: Macbook question

This generally applies to all Personal Computers in my experience that ever since DDR400 computers have been very unforgiving about the quality and the nitty gritty specification details about the RAM you stick in them. I usually go with a MB recommend type and brand. I've had great luck with Kingston for pretty much all my systems. When I purchased my Mac G5 Pro it came with a special extra no name memory deal. However, from day one I had problems usually random corruption of the file system and other weird random errors. It failed the MAC internal mem test so I just purchased some Kingston instead and never looked back. Beware deals spend tyhe extra couple of bucks and get something that you recognize  as well as you MB manufacturer.

Brian Vagnoni

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From: TuskenTower []
To: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List []
Sent: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:44:56 -0500
Subject: Re: [PLUG] OT: Macbook question

On Jan 24, 2008 12:45 PM, Kristian Erik Hermansen
<> wrote:
> On Jan 24, 2008 6:56 AM, TuskenTower <> wrote:
> > Mag,
> > Check out NewEgg for the reviews on RAM. I paid $150 to upgrade my
> > iMac to 4GB. I bought my RAM based on the reviews there. Also, check
> > out's sister site They have RAM specifically
> > marked for Macs in their deals.
> The link I sent was specifically for MAC RAM. Newegg has their own
> section for that...
> --

I told him to read the reviews. DealRam is a deals website not a
place to buy RAM. The operators started off as a Mac specific site.
So they do a fine job of making sure things work on a Mac before they
list it.

Granted Macs use Intel hardware now, but previously Mac owners had to
take extra steps to find RAM that would work. Consider that a little
left over brain damage.

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