Brian Vagnoni on 16 May 2008 05:34:00 -0700 |
Hello Bridget; What do you expect to be able to do with this laptop out in the wild? E-Mail, Web, what kind of apps do you need to or want to run? Panasonic Tough Books are the most rugged laptops you can buy. They are designed for extremely environments, many police & fire departments, as well as the US military use them. However, they are not cheap but in your case spending the extra money mite be worth it. You want something that is going to have good battery life, a screen that will be bright enough to be seen in the direct sun light, and something that uses WWAN(preferably GSM or EDVO). -------------------------------------------------- Brian Vagnoni PGP Digital Fingerprint F076 6EEE 06E5 BEEF EBBD BD36 F29E 850D FC32 3955 --------------------------------------------------
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