Brian Vagnoni on 2 Oct 2008 06:11:53 -0700 |
Though he did ask for advice; an opportunity to someone hungry for a position should always be welcome here. While I more or less agree with some of what was stated here I think you should be looking for someone willing to put in the time. Though some would say you should be able to get your work done in forty hours IT is rarely so kind. You cannot walk out on a down server just because it's 5 o'clock. You cannot say I won't come in on Sunday if there is trouble on the network. You have to be there, you have to show up. Communication skills though certainly very important I find are extremely subjective. Some managers want to know everything down to the smallest detail. Others want a one line assessment of the situation. That's something that can be learned. If you are teachable and some people aren't than there are no limits as to where you can go. If we were all judged by syntax errors none of us would have a career. -------------------------------------------------- Brian Vagnoni PGP Digital Fingerprint F076 6EEE 06E5 BEEF EBBD BD36 F29E 850D FC32 3955 -------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --