Eric on 22 Nov 2008 10:45:12 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] OT: soldering on the motherboard

I started to write this when I saw Brian's response.
(I was not a MIL-STD-883 solderer - but I am an Electrical Engineer and I was trained by MIL-STD-833 solderers :-)

To add to what Brian said:

If you are removing old parts then use solder wick or a "solder sucker" to remove the solder from the existing connections just as soon as the solder melts.
Speed counts here - stop heating as soon as the solder melts and is removed from the heated connection.

Good luck.


Art Alexion wrote:
I'm replacing the power connector on a friend's laptop motherboard.  I've 
never soldered on the motherboard (just stuff like radios and speakers) and 
my concern is burning other stuff in the process.

Any tips on motherboard soldering?

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#  Eric Lucas
#                "Oh, I have slipped the surly bond of earth
#                 And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings...
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