jeff on 20 Apr 2009 21:50:28 -0700 |
I figured what the hell and upgraded my Dell Latitude D531 to Jocular Jaguar. This is Xubuntu so of course this brings its own peculiarities. The upgrade went smoothly. Boot and working times are subjectively a bit faster. The worst thing I can say is that a lot of my icons on the taskbars disappeared. There aren't a lot of oddities and even a few nice bits. For some strange reason, programs tend to pop up under other windows. I can now close a Vinagre tab without hosing the 2nd connection. Gnome stopped trying to eat my desktop and leaves XFCE alone now. The settings panel is more cohesive, ala KDE. And of course I have eradicated anything that seems even remotely like bling. I got yer Compiz RIGHT HERE. So far so good. I upgraded a desktop at work, which is also fine, except for howling about Gnome power management. I don't care. Looks like it will be a Jaunty April. Now, if I could just get the other 250 desktops converted... Further info on the blog. -- ThermionicEmissions - the blog ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --