tal on 20 Apr 2010 10:17:33 -0700

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[PLUG] Register for LOPSA PICC before the price goes up!

Hey folks!  Register by May 1 and save!


Computer and network administrators... Spread the word!
       LOPSA New Jersey Professional IT Community Conference
       New Brunswick, NJ, May 7-8, 2010 -- http://picconf.org

Online Registration to New Jersey SysAdmin Conference Ends Soon

New Brunswick, NJ, April 19, 2010 -- The New Jersey chapter of the
League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA) wants to remind
everyone that online registrations for the Professional IT Community
Conference (PICC - http://www.picconf.org) will be considered "last
minute registrations" after May 1st, 2010. At that point, registrations
will still be accepted, although for a higher fee to cover additional
administrative costs.

The conference will be held Friday, May 7th through Saturday, May
8th at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick. Registration packages
start at $249.  The conference brings to the area speakers and
presentations usually only seen at national and international
conferences. Travel is the biggest expense of attending such
conferences.  By bringing the speakers to New Brunswick, area IT
workers can save thousands. http://tinyurl.com/comparepicc

The Professional IT Community Conference is a gathering of people
from the diverse IT community in New Jersey to learn, share ideas,
and network. The conference will include invited speakers and
keynotes, top-notch training sessions that are relevant, useful,
and recession-friendly, as well as an "unconference" track where
attendees propose and host their own topics.

Conference chair, William Bilancio, urged interested parties to
register online, saying, "Due to the additional costs of last-minute
additions to meals and other logistics, 'last minute' and 'at the
door' registrations are necessarily higher in price to account for
this increase in expenses. Registering on the website, on time, is
the best way to attend this conference". In addition to the higher
price, late arrivals are not guaranteed to receive conference gifts,
including the thumb drives containing presentation materials and
conference bags.

Register online and on time by visiting

LOPSA-NJ and the Professional IT Community Conference are dedicated
to fostering our local expert community and strengthening tomorrow's
computing infrastructure.

For Media Inquiries: 

Matt Simmons 
PICC Marketing Chairman 
Email: media@lopsanj.org 
Tel: +1 (740) 403-9997 

Philadelphia Linux Users Group         --        http://www.phillylinux.org
Announcements - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-announce
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