Brian on 4 Aug 2010 23:52:08 -0700

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[PLUG] New Member.

  • From: Brian <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [PLUG] New Member.
  • Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2010 02:52:01 -0400
  • Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:subject:from:to:content-type :date:message-id:mime-version:x-mailer:content-transfer-encoding; bh=MY0DkLkyFqtsX97qanY7weyjptzDMZ3JgHv0NO5glOs=; b=KIW2kwhW2poug24lufpiN8oBAsdjan1cmbSEVgW4WLtM+HX7gJ+WvnRZ5TEHAGhwZs Nbd+eX6QfXfCi/YBQj2KjqYA0p6m4ikRxIHj1/p94YoZtKqKqhOr5tKwrPUuir+lxzuX GlQ504M9ETWT1tusLahUhv+ia8TCH9m0LCLTU=
  • Reply-to: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <>
  • Sender:

Just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I'm Brian. 

-just started using Linux/Ubuntu
-have eighty million questions which I will try not to ask on this list.
-out of work lighting designer 
-architecture student. 

Main Goals:

-To transition my student architecture work fully to opensource wherever
possible. (I'll always have to dual boot for REVIT and AutoCad)
-To learn Processing (super excited about this)
-to get my graphics card working correctly! (NVIDIA day two and I
already know its going to be a heaping problem)
-To get in deep with Blender/GIMP/Inkscape
Tech Background:
Aside from photometric software and AutoCAD not much. no programming
background, no networking background, and no opensource background.
Aside from being familiar with all the rhetoric from my anarchist
inclined friends and having to pick up Richard Stallman from a bus stop
in Baltimore once. (i didn't know who he was, but he was speaking at a
bookfair I was helping with)

Deconstructivist Architectures, Non-linear Biology and Generative
Structures, Cultural Studies, Running, Swimming, Biking.

Nice to meet all of you!

Nice non-annoying questions:
Is there a beginners-annoying-each-other-only sort of forum?
What literature besides the on-line documentation do you guys suggest?
Is attending the meeting despite an advanced subject advisable? or not?
Are there other users with similar goals on this list? (ie:
architecture, graphics, processing?)


Brian L. 

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