Kyle R. Burton on 19 Sep 2010 08:31:45 -0700 |
> This month PLUG West welcomes Kyle Burton, who will be giving a > presentation on Chef, an open source infrastructure automation tool. Just to be clear the talk will be on chef-solo: Leveraging Chef-Solo for Less than Enterprise Scale Deployments “When you’re a small, and I mean small, company with an even smaller IT department you can’t afford not to automate provisioning and system administration. Developing a culture of automation early on is vital for ensuring that your infrastructure group can scale itself as your business grows. Chef is an up and coming system administration automation framework that makes installing and managing cloud computing systems take less time and produces more consistent results. This talk will cover the architecture of Chef-Solo, getting started, core features and best practices for maintaing a cluster of systems." Hope to see you all there! Regards, Kyle -- Twitter: @kyleburton Blog: Fun: ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --