Douglas Muth on 8 Dec 2010 16:06:54 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Philly Colo

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Lee Marzke <> wrote:
> The last colo discussion I've seen here was in 2008.
> I might have need to colo 1U to 3U of servers that are currently on
> a 256Kb DSL uplink.  3 IP's

This might sound like a silly question, but with the popularity of
VPSes (Linode, Slicehost, etc.) and other services like Amazon's EC2,
why do people still colo?

I say this as someone who has had to make use of "remote hands",
failed hardware, flaky hardware, and such with co-loed equipment in
the past, and that's never fun.  VPSes (and could computing, I guess)
eliminate a lot of those hassles, and tend to be most cost efficient
(you pay only for what you use).

For the curious:

-- Doug
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