Gordon Dexter on 20 Apr 2011 17:04:27 -0700

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[PLUG] Merging home directories

I have the unenviable task of merging 5 different home directories from three different computers, spanning 5 years, and I was wondering if there was any tool that might simplify things.  My eventual goal is to have one unified, well organized home directory that is versioned (e.g. via Git) and synced between multiple computers.  The last few times I've moved or upgraded I just put the previous home directory as a subfolder of the newer one, so on one computer I have /home/gdexter/old_gdexter/older_gdexter and I haven't even gotten around to doing that on my newest computer.  This is compounded by bad habits such as putting things on the desktop if I don't know what to do with them.

I'd rather not lose anything, of course, but I'd also rather not go through each homedir item by item and manually copy or merge things.  Are there tools that help you with this sort of thing?  Any suggestions to save my sanity?


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