David Coulson on 12 Nov 2011 11:31:07 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Finding a /etc/group entry containing a user list

Just run 'id' against each username and parse out the output. Remember /etc/group is typically just for supplemental groups - The user's primary group is usually only in /etc/passwd.
On 11/12/11 2:27 PM, JP Vossen wrote:
I have a list of 10 users and I'd like to see if there is an entry in /etc/group that already contains all or most of them. Unfortunately, the /etc/group file is large, not well maintained, and not sorted in any way at all. If there is not a group that contains all the users, I'd like a list of the groups that contain the most because I may be able to just add the missing ones.
I thought of chaining a bunch of greps together, but that's ugly, not 
scalable, and won't give me a list of partial matches.
I know I could write some Perl (or whatever) code to do this, but does 
anyone have a better trick?
JP Vossen, CISSP            |:::======|      http://bashcookbook.com/
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