Eric H. Johnson on 22 Nov 2011 05:33:46 -0800 |
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[PLUG] E-Cat - Off topic |
Hi all, This has nothing to do with Linux, however I mentioned something called the E-Cat or energy catalyzer at dinner after last night's meeting. It is a Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR), a name used to separate it from cold fusion, based on a Nickel-Hydrogen reaction There is one person (Andrea Rossi) who is already taking orders for E-Cats and has delivered one, and at least two other companies (one Greek and one American) who claim they will be making announcements shortly. There is even a report of one person successfully home brewing his own (although I am highly skeptical). Wiki article: Blog (one of many, but one of the first): Home brewer claiming success: Second company claiming to have E-Cat nearly ready for market (at one time associated with Rossi) ntelli-silent/ I have not found the specific link, but there is also an American company about to get into the game too, I believe based on the work of U of Illinois professor George Miley. While I remain skeptical, there now seem to be too many players for this to be a simple hoax, scam or conspiracy. Regards, Eric ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --