Here is the response I got from DCANET. I am not giving his name since he did not give me permission to retransmit this but there is nothing that is private. I guess this tells it all in general. Verizon is out to kill the competition. Knowing this and their policy towards their own employees I would not use Verizon for anything unless I absolutely had to. I wish DCANET the best. It has been a good company and I hope they can go on in light of stiffening competition.
Email from DCANET -
I apologize for not following up on your email before today.
Unfortunately, we get so much spam into the account that it
is difficult to make
sure that we get the valid emails that come into that
We did not take discontinuing the ADSL offering lightly. We have spent the
last number of years weighting this decision and watching to see just what
Verizon was going to do.
The reality though is that Verizon doesn't want to provide copper based
services, period. And they clearly don't want to provide them to ISPs. The
key factor for us was Verizon's degrading quality of support to DCANet and
the overall quality of the DSL product. We have had outage after outage
just in the last six months. They discontinued the East Coast support
group for DSL and now the only support nationwide as far as we can tell is
an office out of Long Beach, CA. They don't seem to have any staff left in
this group to help with problems.
We are grateful for your support over many years, and we still continue to
fight to keep competition in this space. But it is a
difficult battle.