Adam Zion on 23 Jan 2013 18:19:50 -0800
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[PLUG] Somewhat off-topic, but...
- From: Adam Zion <>
- To: PLUG <>
- Subject: [PLUG] Somewhat off-topic, but...
- Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 21:19:43 -0500
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:x-received:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=gfdU3H05FWxDfJuPknfz/pjtMF2/MMSwjx6JdNqZDzo=; b=XsTO86zpRyNDHaDV4yC3AuWhD4Hg16L2U0JoCoD9LfYNHueOzWBxUtHMgcJeiFBzg6 rAbXhbPtgMokjimHgDATl6wxjnO2uJeijXS1rb8O6udsi+vXYh4yyVquuY11VBsCAM0F DAXPI06EcqnjxCdkGZSXan5mNd8xe33z7OBNF+MyHyAu2M1ARK4GRATyRR+LOeRB8kd1 3kCqFwBi1Jt8iCtyRzwsW6oGvz8GIwGeGx00w5O4168YfUX8BiyrAw/bTmPLqoJjGFVF 13MHw3/+8pJvsyPUzWy34gKVJUrKAzM6HGBPMJ0ySshqfkoYXqfihu0hz9mvleMQ6aDj 04pw==
- Reply-to: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <>
- Sender:
... I figured I wouldn't find a more-knowledgeable bunch of fellow computer geeks in Philly, so here goes.
I just got a factory refurbished HP Pavilion m7 notebook. It looked to be a good deal- Core i7 CPU, 8 GB RAM, 1 TB HD. However, here's the odd thing: after I installed Linux on it (first Ubuntu, then Mint, each in dual-boot), it started giving me an odd "checking media" message for about 30 sec. each time I booted. I figured it may have been some odd corruption of the MBR, so I did a factory restore using the DVDs- but the message remains.
Right now, it's more an irritant than anything else- it works perfectly well once it boots- but I worry that it could be indicative of worse problems to come.
What does PLUG think? Does this look like some kind of off problem due to an odd grub2 installation? Or should I call HP and have them send me a replacement HD?
Adam+Zion, MSIS, MCSE+I
Registered Linux User #471910
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