Jonathan Simpson on 15 May 2013 15:07:35 -0700

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[PLUG] Fosscon 2013 Official Announcement: Saturday August 10th

Howdy PLUG,
Below is the announcement for Fosscon 2013, coming this summer. As always we'll be looking to PLUG members to give talks, so feel free to submit one!
Fosscon 2013 will be held Saturday, August 10th, at the  
Friends Center facility
in Central Philadelphia. This new  location provides easy 
access from Market
East station and  Suburban station, and is located in the 
heart of Philadelphia
with plenty to see and do nearby.

This years keynote will be provided by Philadelphia's own Jordan Miller, who leads a research team at UPENN. Jordan makes heavy use of open source software and is doing amazing work with 3D printing as it pertains to transplantable

Fosscon 2013 is a free and open source software conference, and will include talks on workships on topics including development, community building, hackerspace activities, and more. Learn about 3D printing, security, and protecting your privacy. Network with the local tech community and discover
new technologies.

The Ubuntu PA group will be offering support for installation or troubleshooting of your linux system regardless of what distribution you use, and Hive76 members along with members of other nearby hackerspaces will be showing off 3D printing, electronics, and will even have a combat robot arena
that you can try yourself.

Fosscon is also searching for speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors for this
year's event.

For information on speaking, visit

For information on sponsoring, visit
For information on exhibiting, visit
To register for Fosscon, visit Basic
admission  is free, but paid adminssion of $25 helps make 
Fosscon possible for
all of us. We appreciate your support!

Thanks for reading. We hope to see you there! The fosscon 2013 team.
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