Rich Mingin (PLUG) on 16 Apr 2015 07:22:09 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] swappiness and ssd

Rich Prime beat me to it.

Increase swappiness for a small increase in performance and a variable to large amount of write wear on the SSD.

Reduce swappiness to minimum for a small potential decrease in performance (depends on available memory), but minimizes wear on the SSD.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Rich Freeman <> wrote:
On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 10:01 AM, K.S. Bhaskar <> wrote:
> The default swappiness on Ubuntu systems is 60, and presumably takes into
> consideration the relative performance of writes to and reads from the swap
> file / partition.  The ratio of write performance to read performance would
> be higher for SSDs than rotating media, since SSD reads are truly random
> whereas writes are in pages (in rotating media, seek and latency times would
> tend to apply to both).  Therefore, it seems to me that if swap is located
> on SSD, we should increase swappiness, to encourage less frequently used
> pages to be written out, since they can be brought back in very fast when
> needed.  Does that seem reasonable or am I missing something?  Thanks.

That completely makes sense, though keep in mind that swap on SSD is
likely to increase wear.

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