Lee H. Marzke on 21 May 2015 09:50:42 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] more stuff, including some old 1U servers (Re: networking gear (free to any home))

Interested in a 3000XL


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Malcolm" <mjhlists-plug-20080906@liminalflux.net>
> To: "Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List" <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 12:20:05 PM
> Subject: [PLUG] more stuff, including some old 1U servers (Re: networking gear (free to any home))

> On 2015-05-18 3:07 PM, Malcolm wrote:
>> My employer is getting rid of an pile of old kit. If anyone can use any of this,
>> let me know.
>> Pickup in Bristol (just off I95, turnpike, R7)
>> list so far (may be more as the cleanup continues):
> There's more, some still to-be-determined.
> Tape Drive: Overland Storage Powerloader (SDLT320-LXML-115RB)
> older servers:
> 1x Penguin Computing Relion 230
> 2x Penguin Computing Relion 101
> 2x Penguin Computing Altus 600
> 3x Server UPS: SmartUPS 3000XL
> A big pile of cat-5 cables (one "pile" is literally a trash can packed full).
> Quite a few 5-port switches (mostly cisco desktop I think)
> Spare keyboards
> A couple of Mac G4s
> There might be some older desktop units.
> A pile of desktop UPSs, which may or may not have working batteries
> Probably some variety of LCD monitors
> As it's official now, work is shutting down the business, so anything not wanted
> by anyone in-house is likely to get trashed if not found a new home.
> So there may be a few more things for the list. I won't know until possibly
> early next week (our IT guy is staying on for transitioning).
> I'll put names on things and work out how to arrange pickup.
> ___________________________________________________________________________
> Philadelphia Linux Users Group         --        http://www.phillylinux.org
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"Between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of iqlusion..." - Kryptos 

Lee Marzke, lee@marzke.net http://marzke.net/lee/ 
IT Consultant, VMware, VCenter, SAN storage, infrastructure, SW CM 
+1 800-393-5217 office +1 484-348-2230 fax 
+1 610-564-4932 cell sip://8003935217@4aero.com VOIP
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