john boris on 4 Mar 2016 10:09:58 -0800 |
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[PLUG] LOPSA-East 2016 Registration open |
We are in talks with a great Keynote speaker for the Friday Night Keynote given before we release you to the wilds of New Brunswick, New Jersey for dinner.
We will be announcing some new great things going on later as the conference gets closer. One of the things that was brought up in the feed back from the past few years is a get together on Thursday night for those in the area or arriving early so we will be opening up the bag stuffing party to all. More details on this will be added to the website as the time gets closer. Friday night we will have the Birds-Of-a-Feathers again this year as well as a Cards Against Humanity game for anyone who wants to join and a few more fun things that make LOPSA-East different from other area conferences.
We are still looking for volunteers to help with promotion, manning the registration desk, and being room monitors on Saturday to help speakers get set up and to make sure they stay on time as well as some other duties. So to volunteer please fill out the questionnaire at or send me an email with LOPSA-East volunteer in the subject line to
We can’t wait to see you all in May at the LOPSA-East Conference. Remember to reserve your room at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick at the group rate of $129 single/double plus tax. When the rooms in the LOPSA-East block are sold out, requests will be handled on a space-available basis at the hotel’s standard rate. Make your reservations early! To reserve your room on the web go to
If you have any questions or ideas you would like to ask or discuses please email me at
___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --