Its my own ignorance about Apple stuff but why not just stream your content from your own media server? I use Mediatomb and Samba to feed DNLA clients and Kodi respectively but there are many choices at this point. Even putting things on your own web server would work.
I'm pretty sure I'm missing something but I'm also not an Apple user. Please elaborate on what iTunes actually does for you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.
From: "Paul Walker" <>
To: "Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 6:35:13 PM
Subject: [PLUG] FOSS Alternative to ITunes
Anyone know a good FOSS alternative to ITunes. It is honestly one of my least favorite pieces of software of all time. Not to mention that it is always trying to call home, which I find tiresome.
And not to stoke anyone's paranoia :evil grin: but I also remember seeing a wikileaks post of a leaked promotional video from a security firm that featured itunes as the central part of a trojan horse scheme (if anyone has a link to the video please share - I'll dig deeper but a quick google search failed to turn it up)
Anyway - recommendations appreciated.
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