Greg Helledy on 21 Oct 2016 13:07:42 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] spamassassin help: create a rule to score by sender TLD

Thank you for your latest post. As you know I started this thread because I wanted help filtering out the spam that floods from these new TLDs by creating a Spamassassin rule which would increase the score assigned to mails coming from these domains.
Since I haven't yet figured out how to do that, for the time being I'm 
going to blacklist them, since I know how to do that.
I'll check logs again before I do, but based on my last analysis, it 
looks like domains in these TLDs will be banned:

I will verify that appropriate error messages are returned to SMTP connections from these domains.
My users will be happy that I'm doing something about their spam-filled 
inboxes.  So, on their behalf as well as mine, thanks again.
Greg Helledy
GRA, Incorporated
P:  +1 215-884-7500
F:  +1 215-884-1385
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