Keith C. Perry on 30 Jan 2017 14:40:41 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] Adding admin account back to sudoers |
Hi all,
This happened to me the last time I ported accounts to a new machine, and I cannot figure out what I did to fix it. Both the old and new machines are running Ubuntu 16.04. After porting all of the user accounts to the new computer, I lost the use of sudo in the administrator account. If I try to use sudo, I get the error that the account is not in sudoers. I booted to recovery mode, mounted the drive read/write, and tried:
adduser administrator sudo
Which said “administrator is already a member of the sudo group”.
I checked /etc/sudoers, and it agrees with what my source ( says it should say.
Another source said to try:
sudo usermod –a –G sudo administrator
The command ran without error, but did not fix the problem.
Any ideas?
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