Christopher Barry on 16 Feb 2017 07:47:19 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Start-up Advice

On Thu, 16 Feb 2017 10:42:14 -0500
Casey Bralla <> wrote:

>I've got an opportunity to join a small start-up company.  On paper,
>the company seems like a very good deal..
>However, I'm worried that I'm looking at the project through
>rose-colored google glass.    If anybody has any personal experiences
>(good and bad) with start-ups, would you be willing to contact me
>off-list and share your stories?
>I want to be sure I get some real-world background before I make a

I've been in different startups for practically 20 years now. Don't go
into it thinking you're going to be a bazillionaire from options. Get
options, but get paid too.

You'll have a lot of fun, you'll work ridiculous hours, you create
great things, you will push yourself and learn a lot, you'll make
lifelong friends, and you'll cry when they tank. But overall you'll not
regret it.


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