K.S. Bhaskar on 28 Feb 2017 13:12:50 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Laptop recommendations

Looks like it comes with Windows 10, so there is a tax...

-- Bhaskar

Sent from my phone

On Feb 28, 2017 2:16 PM, "K.S. Bhaskar" <ksbhaskar@gmail.com> wrote:
Does purchasing that laptop involve payment of M$tax? I'm in the market for a laptop, but have a religious objection to paying M$taxes.

Sent from my phone

On Feb 26, 2017 11:56 PM, <rgeoffrey@platypiventures.com> wrote:
I just bought a new laptop last week.  I went with an MSI GE62 from Microcenter.  The version I got has a 15.6" screen, 16GB ram, and 1TB spinning disc, though they seem to have two different versions now.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Greg Helledy" <gregsonh@gra-inc.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 12:35pm
To: plug@lists.phillylinux.org
Subject: [PLUG] Laptop recommendations

You might look at a Dell Inspiron.  There is the XPS 13 Developer
Edition, which is delivered with Ubuntu, but is just a bit over your
price range.

In addition, there is the Inspiron 7000-series 2-in-1 (where the
keyboard folds around back to make the unit more like a tablet),
available in 13", 15" and 17" screen sizes.  You can get the 13" with
touchscreen, a Core i7, 16 GB RAM and a 512 GB SSD for $1,100.  A year
ago I bought myself the 11" version, they were still making them with
enough power to be useful then.  If Ubuntu and its relatives work for
you, they are well-supported on Dells.

Greg Helledy
GRA, Incorporated
P:  +1 215-884-7500
F:  +1 215-884-1385

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