Matt Mossholder on 6 Apr 2017 08:26:57 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] Canonical dropping Unity |
Yes, I've been using Cinnamon and loving it (I'm an ex Plasma/Lubuntu user). FWIW, I find the Lubuntu Netbook to be a very usable interface on machines with small screens.-- BhaskarOn Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 9:10 PM, JP Vossen <> wrote: killing-unity-for-ubuntu-linux -will-switch-to-the-superior- gnome
Canonical Killing Unity For Ubuntu Linux, Will Switch To the Superior GNOME
Section Department
Filed under gnome
Author msmash
Reader BrianFagioli writes: Today, the company admits that it is throwing in the towel on Unity, as well as its vision for convergence with devices like phones and tablets. Starting with Ubuntu 18.04, the wonderful GNOME will once again become the default desktop environment! "We are wrapping up an excellent quarter and an excellent year for the company, with performance in many teams and products that we can be proud of. As we head into the new fiscal year, it's appropriate to reassess each of our initiatives. I'm writing to let you know that we will end our investment in Unity8, the phone and convergence shell. We will shift our default Ubuntu desktop back to GNOME for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS," says Mark Shuttleworth, Founder of Ubuntu and Canonical.
I have mixed feelings on that. I never loved Unity, but Unity worked well on small wide-screens (like my Mini9). It used too many resources, but the concept of using the wasted space on the sides, combining the title and menu bars, and such was great.
Also, way back when I loved Gnome2. It just felt right, usable, clean, clear and sensible. Then they sent it right down the toilet with all the "simplification" mis-features in Gnome3, and now I find it utterly useless and worthless and I'd personally certainly never call it "superior."
So I'm a little sad to see Unity go, and really surprised that Canonical will downgrade to Gnome instead of moving to something like Cinnamon, which I really, really love.
I'm sure we'll hear more in the coming days,'s interesting.
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