Alan D. Salewski on 11 Mar 2018 22:15:56 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] UPSes suck...

On 2018-03-03 17:15:17, JP Vossen spake thus:
> And ESR is doing something about it.  And it's gonna be awesome!
> 1) "UPSes suck and need to be disrupted"
> 2) "Announcing: The UPSide project"
> 3) "upside wants a firmware dev"
> I can't wait and want 3 units now!


With a non-zero sense of guilt (and more than a little ignorance, for sure),
I'll admit that my favorite personal, micro-targeted, non-data center solution
recently has been to use (in addition to offline backups) a laptop with a 1h+
battery, and to try (unintentionally, but nevertheless assuredly, in an
ad-hoc -- yes, half-assed -- way) to separate it from sources of jolt by (more
or less) expendible components (and try to be there physically within a few
mins of when the things needs to be put into a hibernation mode).

Basically, I've been gambling that the cost to replace my isolated bits of
hardware will bite me less frequently than the cost of preventive maintenance
would pay off.

Yeah, I know that this is /way/ stupid in lots of ways, but accepting (and
preparing for) the "possible destruction" possibility up-front makes it
relatively low-stress, and it has been working out for me. Nevertheless, it
doesn't sit well with me as The Right Approach (duh!).

But most of the in-the-jolt-path hardware really is expendable hand-me-down
stuff, and the world hasn't yet produced inexpensive non-suck power supplies
(otherwise, what are we talking about here?). And I do need an excuse to
update this-or-that component every now and again...

I wouldn't recommend this approach to others, but I've been amazed at how much
(and in some cases, how little) abuse different motherboards, power supplies,
HDDs, etc. will take. My general observation is that you get what you pay for,
but not always. And I would love to put free/open source software/hardware
power supplies in front of all of it.

Also, I'm only protecting the Unholy Mongrel of Sadsburyville, not the Great
Beast of Malvern  ;-)

> Later,
> JP


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