Fred Stluka on 24 Aug 2018 15:29:11 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Linux tip: Log IP addresses, not hostnames, for use by fail2ban...


If you have even one service that allows passwords, it's vulnerable
to a brute force attack.  The difference between 3 and 3 trillion
attempts in 10 minutes is huge.  No one's going to guess a good
password in 3 tries.

Also, the fact that they get blocked after 3 tries tells them I have
active security measures like fail2ban in place, and encourages
them to move on to an easier target.

From the old joke:  "I don't have to run faster than the bear;
only faster than you."

Fred Stluka -- Bristle Software, Inc. --
#DontBeATrump -- Make America Honorable Again!

On 8/17/18 8:08 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 7:38 PM Rachel plays Linux <> wrote:
Maintaining a home firewall and a commercial server are way different. At work I can't simply ban by county, though I can block some entire ISPs.

At home I lock out damn near everything

While it doesn't hurt to block CN from home, I don't run fail2ban.  If
having 3 attempts vs having 3 trillion attempts at my service makes
any difference at all, then my service is broken.

Sure, blocking might help protect against zero days.  I doubt fail2ban will.

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