prushik on 8 Nov 2018 12:48:47 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] new virtualbox exploit - virtualizers

On November 8, 2018 3:35:20 PM EST, jeff <> wrote:
>On 11/8/18 3:19 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> Really, though, if you're using virtualbox for anything serious I'd
>> give thought to using something else.
>Security askde, I love it for running The Redmond Menace, when 
>circumstances insist. Never a problem, unlike VMware, which broke with 
>every kernel update (or on sunny days, of which there are 3 per month).
>> in VMs is VMware which you typically wouldn't run on a linux host.
>aside from the above, why?

Probably because Linux peeps tend to have this weird obsession with free and open source software. Bunch of nerds.

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