Fred Stluka on 20 Dec 2018 10:01:51 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] bash cheat sheet

On 12/18/18 11:26 AM, jeff wrote:

I've always just created aliases for command/option combinations
I use often.  Can display them by typing the first couple chars and
hitting tab.  Can see them all by typing the alias command w/no
args.  And since I define them in my startup file, I can document
them there too.

Has served me well for 30+ years of Unix/Linux use.

For example:

alias since 'find . -ctime -\!* -ls'
                                        # Recursive directory search for files                                         # modified since specified number of days

And for the most useful Git commands:

alias got git                         # Frequent typoalias gitls           git ls-files    # List files in Git

                                      # Example: gitls foo.c
                                      # Example: gitls *.c
                                      #  (May need gitls \*.c to avoid
                                      #   shell globbing?)
# Made into a script to use from other scripts:
# alias gitpulldryrun   git fetch --dry-run -v
                                      # Use fetch.  There's no pull --dry-run
alias gitfetchdryrun  git fetch --dry-run -v
                                      # Show if there's anything to pull
alias gitdiffremote   git diff master origin/master
                                      # Show details of what would be pulled
                                      # Doesn't work.  Why not?
alias gitsync         ./gitsync
alias gits            git status
alias gitunstage      git reset HEAD  # Unstage w/o changing working copy
alias gitdiff         git diff HEAD   # Staged and unstaged diffs
alias gitdiffmaster   git diff master.. # Diffs from master branch
alias gitdifffilenames git diff --name-only # Names of files with diffs
alias gitaddinteractive git add -i    # Git shell for status, diff, add, etc. alias gitaddpatch     git add -p      # Stage portion of a file to be committed
alias gitwhatfileschanged  git whatchanged
                                      # Show all files in a commit
alias gitlogshowchanges    git log -p
alias gitwhatlineschanged  git log -p
                                      # Show diffs of files in commit log
alias gitlog          git log --graph
alias gitlogsincereverse 'git log --since=\!:1 --reverse -- \!:2'
                                      # p1 = When in log to start
                                      #      Example: two.weeks.ago
                                      # p2 = File to show log for
alias gitblameperline git blame
alias gitshow         git show        # Example: gitshow SomeBranch:foo.c
alias gitlogstatsummary git log --stat --summary
alias gitlogoneline   git log --oneline # One line per commit
alias gitloggroupbyperson  git shortlog # Commits grouped by committer
                                        # Example: gitloggroupbyperson -s -n
alias gitlogofperson  'git log --author=\!:1'
alias gitlogbeforeafter 'git log --before=\!:1 --after=\!:2'
alias gitloglinerange 'git log -L \!:1,\!:2'
                                      # Example: gitloglinerange 1 5 foo.c
alias gitlogmethodchanged 'git log -L:\!:1:\!:2'
                                      # Example: gitlogmethodchanged bar foo.c

alias gitgui          git gui
alias gitk            gitk
alias gitx            gitx

alias gitcheckout     git checkout    # Example: gitcheckout SomeBranch foo.c
                                      # Example: gitcheckout SomeHash foo.c
alias gitcommit       git commit -v   # Show diffs in editor for Git comments
alias gitcommitamend  git commit --amend
alias gitgrep         git grep -i --heading --line-number
alias gitcherrypick   git cherry-pick --signoff -x
                                      # Get files from a specified old commit                                       # and create a new commit on the current
                                      # branch
                                      # --signoff = Add my name to the commit
                                      #             comment
                                      # -x        = Add "(cherry picked from                                       #             commit ...)" to the commit
                                      #             comment
alias gitcherrypicknonewcommit git cherry-pick --no-commit
                                      # Get files from a specified old commit
                                      # but do not create a new commit
alias gitstashlist    git stash list
alias gitstash        git stash
alias gitstashapply   git stash apply
alias gitstashapplystage git stash apply --index
alias gitstashdrop    git stash drop
alias gitstashpush    git stash
alias gitstashpop     git stash pop
alias gitstashdiff    git stash show -p
alias gitstashpoptobranch git stash branch
alias gitdifffast     git diff --no-ext-diff # (Bypass external diff tool)
alias gitremote       git remote -v   # Show full URLS also
alias gitbranch       'git status -b --porcelain | head -1 | cut -c 4-'
                                      # Show current branch
alias gitb            gitbranch
alias gitbranches     git branch -a -v   # Show all branches
alias gitbranchswitch git checkout
alias gitbranchcreate git branch
alias gitbranchcreateandswitch git checkout -b
alias gitbranchdelete git branch -d
alias gitbranchmerge  'git checkout master; git merge'
alias gitbranchpush   git push origin
# No.  Defaults to doing the pull even w/o the --track option
# alias gitbranchpull   'git checkout --track origin/\!:1'
alias gitbranchpull   git checkout
alias gitbranchchanges git log master.. # See ~/fred/git/Tips/branchlog.txt
alias gitm            git checkout master
alias gitcf           git checkout merged_from_cf_replacement
alias reviewcf        'delete_pyc_files; windiff . $PWD.cf_reviewed'
alias gitmergeresolve git add
alias githelp         git help        # Help on Git commands

alias gitbisectstart  git bisect start
alias gitbisectbad    git bisect bad
alias gitbisectgood   git bisect good
alias gitbisectreset  git bisect reset
alias gitbisectrun    'git bisect start HEAD \!:1 run \!:2'
                                      # p1 = bad_hash
                                      # p2 = script to build and run
                                      #      regression tests

For more, see:

Fred Stluka -- Bristle Software, Inc. --
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