I've just noticed something: conky's display of my IP doesn't match what I get at the command line w/ifconfig. When I run ifconfig, it displays the network device as wlp7s0, and gives its IP as But, when I ask conky to display network information, like so...
${color cyan}WIRELESS NETWORK ${color orange}${color orange}${hr 2}${color white}
${color yellow}ESSID ${color white}$alignr${wireless_essid wlp7s0}${color orange}
${color yellow}IP Address ${color white}$alignr${addr wlp7s0}
${color yellow}Default Gateway ${color white}$alignr${gw_ip wlp7s0}
${color yellow}DNS Server ${color white}$alignr${nameserver wlp7s0}
${Color yellow}Wireless Mode ${color white}$alignr${wireless_mode wlp7s0}
it gives the IP a, which isn't even on the same network. And, it gets stranger. the IP address is given as, the default gateway as, and the DNS server as That's 3 different networks, supposedly all associated w/the same network device.
What gives?