MailList via plug on 14 Jul 2019 05:35:05 -0700
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[PLUG] Why Does USB C Clobber My Mouse?
- From: MailList via plug <>
- To: PLUG Philadelphia Linux Users Group <>
- Subject: [PLUG] Why Does USB C Clobber My Mouse?
- Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2019 08:34:55 -0400
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Sometimes when I plug in my drone which has a USB C connection, the
mouse of my Gentoo (~AMD) system freezes. It will move a little, but it
gives all the symptoms of having the Interrupt stolen from it. Oddly,
this does not happen all the time. Anybody know why it happens or what I
can do to prevent it?
I've got a nifty DJI Mavic Air drone that takes fantastic 2K video at 60
FPS. I store the video on a SD card, but it's a pain to remove the card
and stick it into a USB adapter. I prefer to simply plug the drone into
a USB C port and mount the drone. About 30% of the time when I do this,
the mouse gets clobbered. It will move, but erratically; most movements
of the physical mouse do not generate a corresponding movement of the
mouse pointer. If I unplug the drone, the mouse returns to normal
instantly. I interpret this to be because the drone is stealing so
many interrupts that the mouse's USB interrupts are rarely seen.
Oddly, this does not happen all the time. It seems to come in
spurts. I run the bleeding edge in Gentoo, so these __may__ be
related to updates, but since I update every day or so, I can't be sure.
Anybody have any suggestions or explanations?
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