brent timothy saner via plug on 19 Dec 2019 11:57:49 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Recommendations for Linux Distro for Content Creation?

On 12/19/19 14:31, Steven Shim via plug wrote:
> Hello PLUG mailing list!
> What’s the best Linux Distro for Content Creation?
> I’m looking for a stable, fast, user friendly Linux Distro for the following purposes:
> -photo editing
> -illustration 
> -video editing
> -3D modeling
> -digital audio workstation 
> -podcasting
> -video streaming 
> And when I get bored, is there a way to play Windows games on Linux? 
> Patiently awaiting the recommendations of the wise tribal elders here on PLUG.
> Thanks 😊 
> Steve

depends a bit on prioritization of performing those tasks, really.

if you'd rather a lightweight system that'll require some work to get
the platform lined up but will let you tailor exactly to your workflow,
if you want the above but also want to be *extremely* selective about
tailoring down to even what *codecs*/image formats/etc. you want
supported on the system, Gentoo[1] (at the cost of rebuilding everything
all the time for updates).
neither are for the faint of heart, though. because they're so flexible
and barebones, it takes a fair bit of work to get them to a usable state.

if you want something that "just works" (or at least tries to) in terms
of codecs/formats/etc., Mint[2] should fare you better.

there WAS puredyne[3], which was a livecd-based distro designed for
multimedia creation but it's dead now - no work's been done on it since
2011 or so but the site's still up.

there's also AV Linux[4], which lets you use live media or install to
disk, and is still actively under development.

but really, *any* linux distro should let you do that since it all boils
down to what software you install (whatever you're most comfortable
using), and most of the bigger players have at LEAST one, if not
multiple, options for software for the above purposes in their
respective repositories/user-provided repositories.


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