Fred Stluka via plug on 14 Apr 2020 18:57:19 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] very large laptop


Have you considered an inexpensive cooling pad to sit it on?  Like
a thick mouse pad, but big enough for the entire laptop to sit on.
Blows air up at the bottom of the laptop.  Worked wonders for an
old 17-inch HP laptop my wife had years ago.  The laptop was
built cheap, I think, with no attention to heat.  Had a non-laptop
CPU or something even.  Always overheated.  The pad solved it.
Might still be lying around here somewhere, though I suspect its
long gone.  See:

Fred Stluka
Bristle Software, Inc. 		#DontBeATrump #SadLittleDonny


On 4/14/20 7:18 PM, jeff via plug wrote:
thanks for the schoolin'

On 4/14/20 7:12 PM, Soren Harward wrote:
On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 6:35 PM jeff via plug < <>> wrote:

    So I'm looking for a replacement for a desktop replacement.
    Important parts: 17" display, 16RAM, number pad, backlit kbd would be
    nice, linux-friendly, under 1k would be great-used is fine

A 17" display with 16GB RAM, but under $1k, pretty much narrows it down to one of HP's laptops that uses a low-end AMD processor.  You may be able to find a Dell at that price.

But right now is not the time to be looking for a new laptop. There's huge demand as companies are expanding their telework, so you'll likely encounter high prices or long shipping delays.

Soren Harward
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