Walt Mankowski via plug-announce via plug on 10 Aug 2020 07:59:47 -0700

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[PLUG] [plug-announce] Tue Aug 11 - PLUG North - "General Discussion" (7pm online)

PLUG North will be meeting on Tuesday, August 11, beginning at
7pm. The meeting will be online. Details are at the bottom of the email.

We don't have a speaker, so this month's meeting will be general
discussion. I missed last month's North meeting, but the feedback I
got was that it was good to have a topic to focus the discussion
on. Here are some topics I'm personally interested in:

* Tips for increasing the performance of Windows 10 running on Linux
  under VirtManager

* Linux tools for working remotely

* Open source task management tools

We'll be using Jitsi Meet, a free and open source videoconferencing
platform, for the meeting. The meeting will start at 7 PM.

You can access the meeting online at


Jitsi Meet also has apps for iOS and Android. If you decide to
use one of those apps, use meeting code "PLUGNorthAugust2020".

To join by phone instead, dial +1.512.647.1431 PIN: 790 293 099#

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