Walt Mankowski via plug on 29 Aug 2020 12:19:51 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] Can I use these 2 sets of DIMMs together? |
I just recently retested my thoughts on this for a workstation I have to George, so for what it is worth...The best case scenario is of course to use the same spec memory in all slots- (trivial solution I know but said for the record).Barring that, the next more important thing is to use the same pairs and then the same speed memory.I would check to make sure your motherboard can use a 2 x 8Gb and a 2 x 16Gb kit but would think it would work.Doing a memory test before you install the kit and after you install the kit will tell you if you are degrading performance with the new kit.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.Managing Member, DAO Technologies LLC(O) +1.215.525.4165 x2033(M) +1.215.432.5167From: "Walt Mankowski via plug" <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>To: plug@lists.phillylinux.orgSent: Saturday, August 29, 2020 2:47:58 PMSubject: [PLUG] Can I use these 2 sets of DIMMs together?Hi,I went to Microcenter today and bought some RAM, with the intention of upgrading my Linux box from 16 to 32 GB. I thought I had 4 4-GB DIMMs so I bought 4 8-GB DIMMs. But when I got home and opened up my box, I discovered that what I actually had was 2 8-GB DIMMs and 2 empty slots. My question is whether I can use 2 of the DIMMs I just bought and return the other two.Here's what I currently have: https://www.crucial.com/memory/ddr3/ct2k102464bd160b/ct8966767Here's what I just bought (2 packages): https://www.microcenter.com/product/509757/neo-forza-encke-16gb-(2-x-8gb)-ddr3-1600-pc3-12800-cl11-dual-channel-desktop-memory-kit-nmud380d8116cc2---gold#The specs look identical as far as I can tell. I'm a bit worried about the heat sink on the new DIMMs but they look like they should fit.Thanks.Walt___________________________________________________________________________Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- http://www.phillylinux.orgAnnouncements - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-announceGeneral Discussion -- http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug
___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- http://www.phillylinux.org Announcements - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-announce General Discussion -- http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug